Friday, May 28, 2010
Friday. May 28th 2010
You know the feeling when you finish all your chores and you have a few minutes before you have to actually do anything or go anywhere? You know like, taking care of your regular responsibilities, and you sit down on the couch or lay down in bed just to take a load off and ALL OF THE SUDDEN the phone rings. And at that moment you close your eyes, take a deep breath and exhale really loud (thinking to yourself, 'COME ON, ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW'), almost wishing the person calling was not alive, or would soon be dead, due to the fact that you were going to pick up and give them a "meeting Jesus" type of conversation. Well that's how I felt this morning. . .
Brian left to go golfing at 7:20am this morning, which of course I can't really say anything, the man needs a break. This whole week he took on not only his regular 40 hours of work, but another 29 hours of overtime... he's absolutely beat. Unfortunately, because of the late nights and all the work he's been doing it's left me on full-time baby watch, except when I'm at class, which was canceled yesterday, by the way, which was extremely refreshing!
Of course 20 minutes after he leaves, Madison decides to wake up and grace me with a loud scream of panic because neither Brian nor I was close by, imagine that! So I open my eyes, dreading the "getting up" part and as I lift my head off the pillow, I feel as if someone just hit me upside my head with a frying pan. And I say to myself, 'oh boy, it's gonna be another one of those days'. So I lay my head back down on the pillow for a second and the thought of my darling daughter upstairs screaming for mommy to come get her, making me feel guilty because the poor thing didn't poo poo at all yesterday, and I was sure I would walk upstairs to find she had poo pooed last night.
Of course I'm right, but not only was it poo poo, it was massive diarrhea!! Thankfully it hadn't run up her back yet, I must have gotten there just in time. If you're a parent you know the feeling of picking up your child and you run your hands across the nastiness on the other side of their back and you get their poop under your finger nails!!!! OHHHH GOD!!!!
Needless to say the day didn't go so well. Brian was home late from his golf outing, my migraine stayed around, not letting up at all, all day! It was a rough time. But as usual we made it through that day, and I'm sure there will be plenty of days like this one. OH BOY, I'm starting to think meditation is something I should start doing!!!
Brian left to go golfing at 7:20am this morning, which of course I can't really say anything, the man needs a break. This whole week he took on not only his regular 40 hours of work, but another 29 hours of overtime... he's absolutely beat. Unfortunately, because of the late nights and all the work he's been doing it's left me on full-time baby watch, except when I'm at class, which was canceled yesterday, by the way, which was extremely refreshing!
Of course 20 minutes after he leaves, Madison decides to wake up and grace me with a loud scream of panic because neither Brian nor I was close by, imagine that! So I open my eyes, dreading the "getting up" part and as I lift my head off the pillow, I feel as if someone just hit me upside my head with a frying pan. And I say to myself, 'oh boy, it's gonna be another one of those days'. So I lay my head back down on the pillow for a second and the thought of my darling daughter upstairs screaming for mommy to come get her, making me feel guilty because the poor thing didn't poo poo at all yesterday, and I was sure I would walk upstairs to find she had poo pooed last night.
Of course I'm right, but not only was it poo poo, it was massive diarrhea!! Thankfully it hadn't run up her back yet, I must have gotten there just in time. If you're a parent you know the feeling of picking up your child and you run your hands across the nastiness on the other side of their back and you get their poop under your finger nails!!!! OHHHH GOD!!!!
Needless to say the day didn't go so well. Brian was home late from his golf outing, my migraine stayed around, not letting up at all, all day! It was a rough time. But as usual we made it through that day, and I'm sure there will be plenty of days like this one. OH BOY, I'm starting to think meditation is something I should start doing!!!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
All About Madison
So I thought I would write something all about this precious little gift from God. Madison is going to be 8 months old on Tuesday, June 1st. She is 95% of the time a happy, smiling, laughing, playing, loving baby. The other 5% is when she is cranky and is tired, dirty diaper, wants to be held, or accidentally hurts herself (not intentional, I promise!).
Madison is a great sleeper, she's just now getting the hang of nap time!!! =) Thank God!!!! I'm sure this will all come back to haunt me tonight, but that's ok!!!
Each day is such a blessing to have Madison in our lives. Brian and I feel so incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful family and beautiful, healthy and awesome daughter!!
Here recently we've been working on crawling, no luck so far! She can get up on all 4's and rock back and forth, but no plunging forward yet! She can "slither", like a snake almost, the floor. It's pretty funny!! Hopefully she'll be crawling here soon! Oh, and she is definitely the best "roller" I have ever seen!!! She can go anywhere rolling across the floor.
Madison can snap her fingers, it's the cutest thing I've ever seen! She loves Baby Einstein dvd's, those have been a life saver for us!!! Brian has been teaching her how to wave "hi" and "bye". She'll do it sometimes without you noticing it, too cute.
Well that's about all I can think of for right now!!! I will keep you posted when new things happen!! =)
Madison is a great sleeper, she's just now getting the hang of nap time!!! =) Thank God!!!! I'm sure this will all come back to haunt me tonight, but that's ok!!!
Each day is such a blessing to have Madison in our lives. Brian and I feel so incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful family and beautiful, healthy and awesome daughter!!
Here recently we've been working on crawling, no luck so far! She can get up on all 4's and rock back and forth, but no plunging forward yet! She can "slither", like a snake almost, the floor. It's pretty funny!! Hopefully she'll be crawling here soon! Oh, and she is definitely the best "roller" I have ever seen!!! She can go anywhere rolling across the floor.
Madison can snap her fingers, it's the cutest thing I've ever seen! She loves Baby Einstein dvd's, those have been a life saver for us!!! Brian has been teaching her how to wave "hi" and "bye". She'll do it sometimes without you noticing it, too cute.
Well that's about all I can think of for right now!!! I will keep you posted when new things happen!! =)
Too Cute You Just Can't Stand It
During her lunch today we tried out some Cheerio's, definitely didn't go well at all, as you can tell by the pictures. She has no idea what to do, and I don't think see liked the taste of them very much. We started her on 2nd level foods as well, she definitely loved those! Hopefully she'll get the hang of the Cheerio's soon!

Motorcyle Momma
Madison's First Swim
We went to our friend's pool this past weekend and wanted to let Maddie try out the pool for the first time. We figured she would love it considering she loves bath time! Thankfully it was a successful experience, although she did not like the blow up toy we had for her. She was really scared. Madison goes to the beach for the first time in July for our family reunion so we're trying to get her used to the water and the sun. Enjoy the pictures!!!

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