So this weekend was really hectic and busy. . . but we spent our holiday weekend with some friends at their pool! Of course Madison loves the pool, and freaks out when she see's her floaty, too cute I must say! Thankfully we have gotten really lucky with her not getting sun burnt, either the sun isn't that strong yet or I'm just doing a really good job with the sunscreen. I don't really care what the reason is, at least it's working, whichever it may be. (I have some videos of her in the pool, not sure how to get it on my computer from our camcorder, hopefully I can get that on here soon! I'll keep you posted.) These pictures are really cute of when we were on our way to our friends house. . .

She loved this hat so much, she wore it the entire day at the pool!!!!!

Of course all the swimming made her exhausted and she passed out for her nap at our friends house for a little over 2 hours, which is a very rare amount of nap time for her. But I wasn't complaining!

We got home late every night this past weekend, probably between 11pm-12am. Yes probably not a smart decision on our part. BUT she had been asleep since 8/9pm, so we figured that it wouldn't really make a difference. Oh how we were wrong. . . Little did we know what was in store for us the next day, Tuesday.
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